Past Presentations

Date Session Presenter(s) Title
Sept. 19, 2024 Fall 2024 Su, Cong Quantum engineering approaching atomic level 0
Sept. 12, 2024 Fall 2024 Lu, Chaoyang Recent experiments on quantum computing and fundamental studies 0
May 23, 2024 Spring 2024 Chen, Wenlan Dissipative probing and entanglement engineering 0
May 16, 2024 Spring 2024 Hu, Jiazhong Probing many-body dynamics in optical lattices 0
May 2, 2024 Spring 2024 O'Brien, Kevin Nanofabrication, packaging, and characterization of quantum limited amplifiers 0
April 25, 2024 Spring 2024 Gorshkov, Alexey Many-body physics and technology with Rydberg atoms 0
April 18, 2024 Spring 2024 Yan, Zoe Quantum correlations in a many-body system of polar molecules 0
April 11, 2024 Spring 2024 Leibfried, Dietrich Addressing challenges in scaling of trapped ion quantum information processors at NIST 0
March 13, 2024 Spring 2024 Cetina, Marko Quantum Computing and Simulation with Long Ion Chains 0
Feb. 22, 2024 Spring 2024 Cooper-Roy, Alexandre Leveraging Rydberg Atom Arrays as Analog Twins of Solid-State Spin Systems for Quantum Simulation and Quantum Sensing 0
Feb. 8, 2024 Spring 2024 Gullans, Michael Quantum advantage with transversal IQP sampling in a reconfigurable logical processor 0
Dec. 15, 2023 Fall 2023 Safavi-Naeini, Amir TBD 0
Dec. 14, 2023 Fall 2023 Clerk, Aashish Exact insights into driven-dissipative quantum systems using hidden time-reversal symmetries 0
Nov. 29, 2023 Fall 2023 Semeghini, Giulia Towards new frontiers of quantum science with dual-species atom arrays 0
Nov. 16, 2023 Fall 2023 Bluvstein, Dolev Logical quantum processor based on reconfigurable atom arrays 0
Nov. 9, 2023 Fall 2023 Morello, Andrea Quantum information and quantum foundations with donors in silicon 0
Nov. 2, 2023 Fall 2023 Zhandry, Mark Quantum money from abelian group actions 0
Oct. 26, 2023 Fall 2023 Liu, Xiong-Jun ( 刘雄军) Dynamical non-Abelian gauge fields: toward the realization of topological superfluids 0
Oct. 19, 2023 Fall 2023 Najafi, Khadijeh Sona Opportunities and challenges for near-term applications with noisy quantum processors 0
Oct. 5, 2023 Fall 2023 Whitfield, James An introduction to fermions in QIS 0
Sept. 28, 2023 Fall 2023 Fan, Heng (范桁) Cloud quantum computation platform and quantum simulation 0
Sept. 21, 2023 Fall 2023 Maurer, Peter Interfacing Biomolecules with Coherent Quantum Sensors 0
Sept. 14, 2023 Fall 2023 Painter, Oskar Quantum Acoustodynamics: materials noise in solid-state quantum systems 0
Aug. 15, 2023 Fall 2023 Yuan, Haidong Ultimate precision limit for quantum metrology 0
May 11, 2023 Spring 2023 Lev, Benjamin Playing with quantum toys: Atomic Newton's cradles and Archimedes' screws 0
May 10, 2023 Spring 2023 Gangloff, Dorian Quantum Interface Engineering with Solid-State Spins and Photons 0
May 4, 2023 Spring 2023 Choi, Soonwon Exact Quantum Algorithms to Recognize Quantum Phases of Matter 0
April 27, 2023 Spring 2023 Wang, Ya Engineering and quantum control of multiple nitrogen-vacancies in diamond: From ultra-long spin coherence time to correlated sensing 0
April 20, 2023 Spring 2023 Home, Jonathan Quantum error correction in trapped-ion motion 0
April 13, 2023 Spring 2023 Sipahigil, Alp TBD 0
April 11, 2023 Spring 2023 Bernien, Hannes Mid-circuit readout and error mitigation on a dual-species atom array processor 0
April 6, 2023 Spring 2023 Rey, Anna Maria Optical lattice clocks: From Timekeepers to Spies of the Quantum Realm 0
March 23, 2023 Spring 2023 Koch, Jens Computer-aided quantization and modeling of superconducting qubits 0
March 16, 2023 Spring 2023 You, Li Quantum enhanced precision with atomic Bose-Einstein condensate 0
March 14, 2023 Spring 2023 Jacob, Zubin Pico-electrodynamics of materials and quantum information 0
March 2, 2023 Spring 2023 Altman, Ehud Measurement induced criticality in many-body states 0
Feb. 27, 2023 Spring 2023 Viola, Lorenza Resource-Efficient Non-Markovian Characterization & Control with Frames 0
Feb. 23, 2023 Spring 2023 No seminar talk due to cancelation, but initiative presentations from iQuISE subgroups iQuISE Pizza Social 0
Feb. 16, 2023 Spring 2023 Deng, Dongling Quantum adversarial machine learning: from theory to experiment 0
Feb. 9, 2023 Spring 2023 Simon, Jon Cavity QED from Manybody Physics to Transduction. 0
Dec. 8, 2022 Fall 2022 Freedman, Danna Chemistry for Quantum Information Science 0
Dec. 1, 2022 Fall 2022 Krastanov, Stefan From Better Entanglement Distillation to Multi-formalism Quantum Simulation Tools 0
Nov. 17, 2022 Fall 2022 Vuckovic, Jelena Scalable semiconductor quantum photonic systems 0
Nov. 3, 2022 Fall 2022 Girvin, Steven Bosonic Modes: Instruction Sets for Quantum Control and Quantum Error Correction Beyond the Break-Even Point 0
Oct. 20, 2022 Fall 2022 Jiang, Ying Nanoscale electric-field sensing based on a quantum sensor and its coherence control by the local electric field 0
Oct. 13, 2022 Fall 2022 Levenson-Falk, Eli Open Quantum Systems Engineering with Superconducting Circuits 0
Oct. 6, 2022 Fall 2022 Vuletic, Vladan Quantum Simulation and Computation with Neutral Atoms 0
Sept. 29, 2022 Fall 2022 Faraon, Andrei Single rare-earth ions and nuclear spin wave registers for quantum networking 0
Sept. 22, 2022 Fall 2022 Jura, Michael Encoded Silicon Qubits: A High-Performance & Scalable Platform for Quantum Computing 0
Sept. 15, 2022 Fall 2022 Xiao, Yun-Feng Ultra-high-Q microcavity optics and photonics 0
May 5, 2022 Spring 2022 Saffman, Mark Quantum algorithms and networks with neutral atom computers 0
April 21, 2022 Spring 2022 Fu, Kai-Mei Synthesis, characterization and control of quantum defects for quantum network applications: from deep centers in diamond to shallow impurities in ZnO 0
April 20, 2022 Spring 2022 Jackson, Mark Quantinuum and TKET 0
April 14, 2022 Spring 2022 Kaufman, Adam New frontiers in atom arrays using alkaline-earth atoms 0
March 31, 2022 Spring 2022 Radulaski, Marina Quantum Nanophotonics Hardware: From Nanofabrication to Quantum Circuit Mapping 0
March 24, 2022 Spring 2022 Tittel, Wolfgang Quantum network technology – the second life of rare-earth crystals 0
March 17, 2022 Spring 2022 Claes, Jahan Tailored cluster states with high threshold under biased noise 0
March 10, 2022 Spring 2022 Chu, Yiwen Quantum information processing with mechanical systems 0
March 3, 2022 Spring 2022 Thompson, Jeff Quantum computing with neutral Yb atoms 0
Feb. 24, 2022 Spring 2022 Seetharam, Kushal Quantum simulation of NMR experiments 0
Feb. 17, 2022 Spring 2022 Royer, Baptiste Encoding qubits in multiple oscillators 0
Feb. 10, 2022 Spring 2022 Haeffner, Hartmut Trapping electrons in a room-temperature quadrupole trap 0
Dec. 16, 2021 Fall 2021 Houck, Andrew Circuit QED: From Materials to Mathematics 0
Dec. 9, 2021 Fall 2021 Goldschmidt, Elizabeth Making photons suitable for quantum information 0
Dec. 2, 2021 Fall 2021 Mouradian, Sara Engineering (Useful) Quantum Systems 0
Nov. 18, 2021 Fall 2021 Nemoto, Kae Quantum Computer designs from today’s NISQ processors to tomorrow’s fault-tolerant Quantum Computers 0
Nov. 11, 2021 Fall 2021 Taminiau, Tim Quantum networks, simulation and computation with spin qubits in diamond 0
Nov. 4, 2021 Fall 2021 Rempe, Gerhard Quantum Networks: Computers and Repeaters 0
Oct. 28, 2021 Fall 2021 Vandersypen, Lieven Quantum Computation – Spins Inside 0
Oct. 21, 2021 Fall 2021 Zhang, Zheshen Entanglement-Based Quantum Technologies 0
Oct. 14, 2021 Fall 2021 Wallman, Joel Characterizing and Operating Noisy Quantum Computers 0
Oct. 7, 2021 Fall 2021 Yunger Halpern, Nicole My favorite not-quite-probability distribution 0
Sept. 30, 2021 Fall 2021 Bluvstein, Dolev Highly parallel coherent qubit transport and entanglement in a quantum information architecture 0
Sept. 23, 2021 Fall 2021 de Leon, Nathalie P. Correlating materials analysis with qubit measurements to systematically eliminate sources of noise 0
Sept. 16, 2021 Fall 2021 Childs, Andrew Symmetries, graph properties, and quantum speedups 0
May 6, 2021 Sping 2021 Siddiqi, Irfan Extending the Performance of Noisy Superconducting Quantum Processors 0
April 29, 2021 Sping 2021 Thiele, Tobias A fast and scalable approach to controlling 100 qubits and more 0
April 22, 2021 Sping 2021 Aharonovich, Igor Hexagonal Boron Nitride – emerging platform for Quantum Photonics 0
April 15, 2021 Sping 2021 Hanson, Ronald Realization of a multi-node quantum network of remote solid-state qubits 0
April 8, 2021 Sping 2021 Aaronson, Scott Quantum Supremacy via BosonSampling - A 2021 View 0
April 1, 2021 Sping 2021 Gangloff, Dorian A quantum coherent interface of photons, an electron, and a nuclear spin ensemble 1
March 25, 2021 Sping 2021 Wilhelm-Mauch, Frank Optimal quantum control for superconducting qubits 1
March 18, 2021 Sping 2021 Killoran, Nathan Quantum differentiable programming: training a quantum computer like a neural network 1
March 11, 2021 Sping 2021 Wrachtrup, Jörg Quantum technology with spins 1
March 4, 2021 Sping 2021 Childress, Lilian Coupling diamond defects to high-finesse optical microcavities 1
Feb. 25, 2021 Sping 2021 Wallraff, Andreas Quantum Error Correction using the Surface Code with Superconducting Circuits 1
Feb. 18, 2021 Sping 2021 Morello, Andrea Quantum Information and Quantum Foundations With Spins in Silicon 0
Feb. 11, 2021 Sping 2021 Wiebe, Nathan New Methods for Simulating Quantum Dynamics 1
Dec. 10, 2020 Fall 2020 Simmons, Stephanie Silicon Colour Centres 1
Dec. 3, 2020 Fall 2020 Refael, Gil Robust Majorana magic gates 1
Nov. 19, 2020 Fall 2020 Nakamura, Yasunobu Waveguide QED in superconducting circuits 1
Nov. 12, 2020 Fall 2020 Simmons, Michelle Engineering qubits in silicon with atomic precision 0
Nov. 5, 2020 Fall 2020 Pan, Jian-Wei From Test of Quantum Foundations to New Quantum Technologies 0
Oct. 30, 2020 Fall 2020 CQE, iQuISE Kickoff event for MIT Center for Quantum Engineering 0
Oct. 29, 2020 Fall 2020 Blais, Alexandre Quantum-optimal-control-inspired ansatz for variational quantum algorithms 0
Oct. 22, 2020 Fall 2020 Blatt, Rainer Quantum Computation and Quantum Simulation with Strings of Trapped Ca+ Ions 1
Oct. 15, 2020 Fall 2020 Türeci, Hakan Reservoir Computing Approach to Quantum State Measurement 0
Oct. 8, 2020 Fall 2020 Taylor, Jake Frontiers in Quantum Information Science and Policy 1
Oct. 1, 2020 Fall 2020 Aiello, Clarice From Nanotech to Living Sensors 1
Sept. 24, 2020 Fall 2020 Renner, Renato Optimal universal programming of unitary gates 1
Sept. 17, 2020 Fall 2020 DiVincenzo, David Rigorous Considerations in Modeling Superconducting Qubit Circuits 0
April 17, 2020 Spring 2020 Walsh, Michael Statistical Metrology and Process Control of Quantum Devices 1
Feb. 27, 2020 Spring 2020 Loncar, Marko New Opportunities with Old Optical Materials 0
Feb. 20, 2020 Spring 2020 Guha, Saikat Entanglement enabled whispering in noise 0
Feb. 13, 2020 Spring 2020 Govia, Luke Efficient Ansatz for Quantum Process Tomography 0
Dec. 12, 2019 Fall 2019 Alam, Sohaib Optimal Quantum Programming from Reinforcement Learning 1
Dec. 5, 2019 Fall 2019 Northup, Tracy Trapped-ion interfaces for quantum networks 0
Nov. 21, 2019 Fall 2019 Wang, Joel J. Hybrid superconducting circuit made with van der Waals heterostructures 0
Nov. 14, 2019 Fall 2019 McClean, Jarrod Using post-supremacy quantum devices for practical applications 0
Nov. 7, 2019 Fall 2019 Chen, Ed Opportunities and Challenges for Spin Qubits in Silicon 0
Oct. 31, 2019 Fall 2019 Ice, Cream iQuISE Reception 0
Oct. 24, 2019 Fall 2019 Wang, Chen Autonomous Quantum State Transfer by Dissipation Engineering 0
Oct. 17, 2019 Fall 2019 Kempf, Achim Quantum Information Theoretic Methods in Inflationary Cosmology 0
Oct. 10, 2019 Fall 2019 King, Christopher Some applications of hypercontractivity in quantum information theory 0
Oct. 3, 2019 Fall 2019 Eickbusch, Alec A stabilized logical qubit encoded in grid states of a superconducting cavity 0
Sept. 26, 2019 Fall 2019 Dixon, Benjamin Development of a Quantum Network Testbed 0
Sept. 19, 2019 Fall 2019 Kamal, Archana PIQUE: a new frame work for quantum systems engineering 0
May 9, 2019 Spring 2019 Reiter, Florentin A Quantum of Noise: Recent progress on dissipative quantum computation 0
May 2, 2019 Spring 2019 Shapiro, Jeffrey My 40+ Years in Quantum Optical Communication 1
April 25, 2019 Spring 2019 Girvin, Steven Quantum Information Processing with Microwave Photons 0
April 18, 2019 Spring 2019 Jiang, Liang Bosonic Quantum Error Correction 0
April 11, 2019 Spring 2019 Ensslin, Klaus Qubit physics with semiconductor quantum dots 0
April 4, 2019 Spring 2019 Kerman, Andrew (Jamie) Superconducting qubit circuit emulation of a vector spin-1/2 0
March 21, 2019 Spring 2019 Ice, Cream iQuISE Reception 0
March 14, 2019 Spring 2019 Kim, Jungsang Practical Quantum Computing with Trapped Ions 0
Feb. 28, 2019 Spring 2019 Sushkov, Alex Floquet-engineered quantum state manipulation in a noisy qubit 0
Feb. 21, 2019 Spring 2019 Feiguin, Adrian The spectral function of Mott-insulating Hubbard ladders: From fractional excitations to coherent quasi-particles 0
Feb. 14, 2019 Spring 2019 Fu, Liang Majoranas, Fractons and Fermionic Error Correction 0
Feb. 7, 2019 Spring 2019 Krovi, Hari An efficient high dimensional quantum Schur transform 0
Dec. 6, 2018 Fall 2018 Petta, Jason Quantum Computing with Spins in Silicon 0
Nov. 29, 2018 Fall 2018 Palmer, Ben Thermalization of Quantum Superconducting Devices 0
Nov. 15, 2018 Fall 2018 O'Brien, Kevin Near-term Challenges in Superconducting Quantum Computation 0
Nov. 8, 2018 Fall 2018 Berggren, Karl Superconducting Nanowire-Based Detectors and Electronics 0
Nov. 2, 2018 Fall 2018 Ice, Cream iQuISE Reception 0
Nov. 1, 2018 Fall 2018 Dahl, Denny Quantum Material Simulation on the DW-2000Q 0
Oct. 25, 2018 Fall 2018 Greiner, Markus Ultracold atom quantum simulations: Exploring low temperature Fermi-Hubbard phases 0
Oct. 18, 2018 Fall 2018 Narang, Prineha Atom-by-atom Quantum Engineering 0
Oct. 11, 2018 Fall 2018 Christensen, Caleb Advanced Optical Physics in Sensing and Communications: Commercial Applications of Quantum Science 0
Oct. 4, 2018 Fall 2018 Parra-Rodriguez, Adrián Advances in Quantum Algorithms and Canonical Circuit Quantization 0
Sept. 27, 2018 Fall 2018 Niu, Murphy Universal Quantum Control through Deep Reinforcement Learning 0
Sept. 20, 2018 Fall 2018 Pop, Ioan Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics in High Impedance Environments 0
Sept. 13, 2018 Fall 2018 Riste, Diego Fast Classical Processing of Quantum Measurements for Error Correction 0
April 26, 2018 Spring 2018 Sage, Jeremy Towards Scalable Quantum Computation with Trapped Ions 0
April 19, 2018 Spring 2018 Johnson, Peter Meet Zapata Computing 0
March 29, 2018 Spring 2018 Jaeger, Gregg A Critical Look at the Notion of the Universe as a Computer 0
March 22, 2018 Spring 2018 Thompson, Jeff Isolating and manipulating single Erbium atoms in a solid crystal 0
March 15, 2018 Spring 2018 Will, Sebastian Quantum Control of Ultracold Dipolar Molecules 0
March 1, 2018 Spring 2018 Hammerly, Ryan Quantum vs Optical Annealing: Benchmarking the Coherent Ising Machine and D-Wave 0
Feb. 15, 2018 Spring 2018 Steinbrecher, Greg Quantum logic using correlated one dimensional quantum walks 0
Feb. 8, 2018 Spring 2018 Sukachev, Denis Coherent interactions between two SiV centers via a nanophotonic cavity 0
Dec. 7, 2017 Fall 2017 Benson, Oliver Hybrid Quantum Technology Based on Quantum Emitters in Condensed Phase 0
Nov. 30, 2017 Fall 2017 Becher, Christoph Coherence properties and quantum control of silicon vacancy color centers in diamond 0
Nov. 16, 2017 Fall 2017 Aspuru-Guzik, Alan Quantum Computation for Chemistry 0
Nov. 9, 2017 Fall 2017 Shaw, Matt Superconducting Nanowire Single Photon Detectors for Deep-Space Optical Communication and Quantum Optics 0
Nov. 2, 2017 Fall 2017 Córcoles, Antonio Introduction to the IBM Quantum Experience + QISKit 0
Oct. 26, 2017 Fall 2017 Takagi, Ryuji Error rates and resource overheads of encoded three-qubit gates 0
Oct. 19, 2017 Fall 2017 Viola, Lorenza Prof. Lorenza Viola 0
Oct. 16, 2017 Fall 2017 Tahan, Charles Dr. Charles Tahan 0
Oct. 12, 2017 Fall 2017 Orcutt, Jason Connecting Superconducting Qubits with Optical Photons 0
Oct. 5, 2017 Fall 2017 Zhong, Tian Building Quantum Internet with Rare-Earth Ions 0
Sept. 28, 2017 Fall 2017 Ware, Matthew Benchmarking qubits and qubit control with Gate Set Tomography 0
Sept. 21, 2017 Fall 2017 Kesselring, Markus The Boundaries and Twists of the Color Code 0
Sept. 19, 2017 Fall 2017 Manenti, Ric Parametric Entangling Gates for Quantum Computing 0
May 4, 2017 Spring 2017 Kimchi-Schwartz, Mollie Entanglement via dissipation in superconducting qubits 0
April 27, 2017 Spring 2017 Carolan, Jacques Silicon Based Quantum Photonic Processors 0
April 20, 2017 Spring 2017 Wiebe, Nathan Quantum Machine Learning 0
April 13, 2017 Spring 2017 Dutton, Zac Coherent Errors in Quantum Error Correction 0
April 6, 2017 Spring 2017 Gaeta, Alexander Photon Processing via Four-Wave Mixing 0
March 16, 2017 Spring 2017 Monroe, Chris Building a Quantum Computer, Atom by Atom 0
March 9, 2017 Spring 2017 Flammia, Steven Comparing Experiments to the Fault-Tolerance Threshold 0
March 2, 2017 Spring 2017 Yacoby, Amir Quantum Computing using Confined Electron Spins 0
Feb. 20, 2017 Spring 2017 Coppersmith, Susan Building a quantum computer using silicon quantum dots 0
Feb. 16, 2017 Spring 2017 Cappellaro, Paola Transport and Localization in Many-Body Nuclear Spin Systems 0
Feb. 9, 2017 Spring 2017 Vamivakas, Nick Nano-optomechanics with optically levitated dielectric nanoparticles 0
Feb. 3, 2017 Spring 2017 Bestwick, Andrew Scalable Superconducting Quantum Integrated Circuites 0
Dec. 8, 2016 Fall 2016 Marvian, Iman Universal Quantum Emulator 0
Dec. 1, 2016 Fall 2016 Qi, Bing Continuous variable quantum key distribution based on coherent detection 0
Nov. 17, 2016 Fall 2016 Thouchette, Dave Exponential Separation between Quantum Communication Complexity and Classical Information Complexity 0
Nov. 10, 2016 Fall 2016 Taylor, Jake Exploring Quantum Matter with Photons 0
Nov. 3, 2016 Fall 2016 Weinstein, Yaakov Protecting and Hacking the Quantum 0
Oct. 27, 2016 Fall 2016 Hall, David Tying Knots in a Quantum Fluid 0
Oct. 20, 2016 Fall 2016 Xu, Feihu Security in a Quantum World 0
Oct. 13, 2016 Fall 2016 Evans, Ruffin An Integrated Diamond Nanophotonics Platform for Quantum Optical Networks 0
Oct. 6, 2016 Fall 2016 Epstein, Ryan Protecting quantum information from noise - a passive approach 0
Sept. 29, 2016 Fall 2016 Islam, Rajibul Measuring Entanglement in Quantum Many-Body Systems 0
Sept. 15, 2016 Fall 2016 Zhang, Zheshen Floodlight QKD as a new frame work for high speed secure communication 0
Sept. 8, 2016 Fall 2016 Harlow, Daniel The Three Qutrit Code as a Model of Holography 0
Sept. 1, 2016 Fall 2016 Farhi, Eddie Quantum Supremacy through the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm 0
May 12, 2016 Spring 2016 Brown, Justin Atom-Based Instruments for Fundamental Physics and Applications 0
May 5, 2016 Spring 2016 Haah, Jeongwan Sample-optimal tomography of quantum states 0
April 28, 2016 Spring 2016 Yang, Yujia Quantum electron microscope: interaction-free measurement with electrons 0
April 21, 2016 Spring 2016 Sawyer, Brian Trapped-Ion Quantum Information and Neutral-Atom Sensors at Georgia Tech Research Institute 0
April 14, 2016 Spring 2016 Fu, Liang Majorana takes charge: from teleportation to quantum computation 0
March 31, 2016 Spring 2016 Harrow, Aram Simulated Quantum Annealing Can Be Exponentially Faster than Classical Simulated Annealing 0
March 24, 2016 Spring 2016 Bretheau, Landry Quantum dynamics of an electromagnetic mode that cannot contain N photons 0
March 17, 2016 Spring 2016 Ozols, Maris How to Permute Quantum Systems Continously 0
March 10, 2016 Spring 2016 Gustavsson, Simon Non-exponential energy decay and quasi-particle fluctuations in a superconducting flux qubit 0
March 3, 2016 Spring 2016 Yoder, Ted Constructing universal gates on quantum codes piece-by-piece 0
Feb. 25, 2016 Spring 2016 Yelin, Susanne Entanglement and coherence in many-body dipolar systems 0
Feb. 18, 2016 Spring 2016 Guha, Saikat Quantum rate limits of undecodable and undetectable optical communications 0
Feb. 11, 2016 Spring 2016 Bernien, Hannes Loophole-free Bell inequality violation using electron spins separated by 1.3 kilometres. 0
Feb. 4, 2016 Spring 2016 Kaiser, David I. Testing Bell's Inequality with Astrophysical Observations: Addressing the Settings-Independence Loophole. 0
Jan. 28, 2016 Spring 2016 Kravtsov, Konstantin Relativistic Quantum Cryptography 0
Dec. 10, 2015 Fall 2015 Chivarini, John Technologies for Scalable Trapped-Ion Quantum Information Processing 0
Dec. 3, 2015 Fall 2015 Becher, Christoph Prospects of SiV centers in diamond for quantum information 0
Nov. 30, 2015 Fall 2015 Andersen, Christian Kraglund Autonomous quantum feedback loop inside a cryostat 0
Nov. 19, 2015 Fall 2015 Polkovnikov, Anatoli Brief intro into quantum chaos, ergodicity, and the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis 0
Nov. 12, 2015 Fall 2015 Del Campo, Adolfo Shortcuts to Adiabaticity 0
Nov. 5, 2015 Fall 2015 Reed, Matthew Electrically controlled qubits in silicon 0
Oct. 29, 2015 Fall 2015 Lloyd, Seth Quantum Thermodynamaics 0
Oct. 22, 2015 Fall 2015 Burton, Cody Observation of Bose-Einstein Condensation in a Strong Synthetic Magnetic Field 0
Oct. 15, 2015 Fall 2015 Feiguin, Adrian Equilibrium density matrices as ground states of frustration-free Hamiltonians 0
Oct. 8, 2015 Fall 2015 Greiner, Markus Measuring entanglement entropy via the interference of many-body twins 0
Oct. 1, 2015 Fall 2015 Vuletic, Vladan Entanglement of 3000 atoms by one photon 0
May 7, 2015 Spring 2015 Zhang, Zheshen Entangling thousands of atoms 0
April 23, 2015 Spring 2015 Beck, Kristin M. Continuous Nondestructive Detection of Individual Photons 0
April 16, 2015 Spring 2015 Braje, Danielle Sense and Sensibility: Practical Quantum Sensing 0
April 9, 2015 Spring 2015 Oliver, William D. Quantum information science with superconducting artificial atoms 0
April 2, 2015 Spring 2015 Wen, Xiao-Gang Highly entangled quantum states -- topologically ordered states and SPT states 0
March 19, 2015 Spring 2015 Zhang, Zheshen Entanglement-Based Quantum Information Processing 0
March 12, 2015 Spring 2015 Harrow, Aram Sparse Quantum Codes from Quantum Circuits 0
March 5, 2015 Spring 2015 Kennedy, Colin Bose-Einstein Condensation in the 1/2 Flux Harper Hamiltonian 0
Feb. 26, 2015 Spring 2015 Pastawski, Horacio Decoherence and irreversibility in systems of interacting spin: Lessons from the Loschmidt Echoes and the Quantum Drift model 0
Feb. 25, 2015 Spring 2015 Lee, Sang-Yun Towards practical solid-state quantum network with a robust light-matter interface in diamond 0
Feb. 19, 2015 Spring 2015 Yoder, Ted Quantum search and surefire soufflés 0
Feb. 12, 2015 Spring 2015 Gelbewaser, David Thermodynamic nature of quantum resources: From thermodynamic limits to cooling 0
Feb. 3, 2015 Spring 2015 Dahl, Denny Quantum computing with a D-Wave 0
Dec. 18, 2014 Fall 2014 Filipp, Stefan Abelian and non-Abelian Geometric Phases and Gates in Circuit QED 0
Dec. 11, 2014 Fall 2014 Lupo, Cosmo Security-rate tradeoff in quantum communication 0
Dec. 4, 2014 Fall 2014 Kamal, Archana Nonreciprocal microwave photonics with superconducting quantum circuits 0
Nov. 19, 2014 Fall 2014 Preskill, John Fault-tolerant gates for topological codes 0
Nov. 6, 2014 Fall 2014 Schröder, Tim Spin qubits in diamond nanocavities 0
Oct. 30, 2014 Fall 2014 Pushin, Dmitry Neutron Interferometry and Coherence 0
Oct. 23, 2014 Fall 2014 Zhang, Zheshen Quantum sensing with loss and noise 0
Oct. 23, 2014 Fall 2014 Mouradian, Sara Integrating quantum memories into a photonic circuit 0
Oct. 16, 2014 Fall 2014 Guerreschi, Gian Giacomo Dimensionality reduction for quantum adiabatic optimizers: Beyond symmetry exploitation 0
Oct. 9, 2014 Fall 2014 Krovi, Hari, Patel, Monika Enabling Optical Technologies for Quantum Information Processing 0
Oct. 2, 2014 Fall 2014 Thompson, Jeff Nanoscale quantum optics with cold atoms 0
Sept. 25, 2014 Fall 2014 Wallraff, Andreas Hybrid Systems with Circuit QED 0
Sept. 18, 2014 Fall 2014 King, Christopher Quantum channels from a mathematical perspective 0
Sept. 11, 2014 Fall 2014 Lloyd, Seth Quantum machine learning 0
May 15, 2014 Spring 2014 Shields, Brendan Charge and spin dynamics in NV centers 0
May 8, 2014 Spring 2014 Najafi, Faraz Scalable integration of single-photon detectors on a photonic chip 0
May 1, 2014 Spring 2014 Zhang, Zheshen High-dimensional quantum key distribution 0
April 24, 2014 Spring 2014 Hodges, Jonathan Moving from academia to a start-up company 0
April 17, 2014 Spring 2014 Aspuru-Guzik, Alan Quantum algorithms and quantum simulation 0
April 10, 2014 Spring 2014 Coudron, Matt Device Independent Randomness Expansion 0
March 27, 2014 Spring 2014 Hosseini, Mahdi Versatile atomic memory for optical information and optomechanical sensing with nanowires and cavity mirrors 0
March 20, 2014 Spring 2014 McConnell, Robert Generation of non-Gaussian entangled states of atoms by single-photon detection 0
March 13, 2014 Spring 2014 Viola, Lorenza Advances in quantum Hamiltonian engineering 0
March 6, 2014 Spring 2014 Gutierrez, Michael Sorting ions and internships 0
Feb. 27, 2014 Spring 2014 Trusheim, Matthew Nanoscale sensing with engineered diamond 0
Feb. 21, 2014 Spring 2014 Jacobs, Kurt Towards Entangled Macroscopic Systems: Modulated Electromechanics 0
Feb. 13, 2014 Spring 2014 Aaronson, Scott Computational complexity of decoding Hawking radiation 0
Dec. 19, 2013 Fall 2013 Connolly, Colin Detection of rare cells with NV magnetic imaging 0
Dec. 12, 2013 Fall 2013 Ashoori, Raymond C. New Electronic States in Graphene Heterostructures 0
Dec. 5, 2013 Fall 2013 Berggren, Karl Quantum Nanostructures and Nanofabrication 0
Nov. 21, 2013 Fall 2013 Khaneja, Navin Quantum control 0
Nov. 14, 2013 Fall 2013 Poletti, Dario Emergence of quantum correlations and complex dynamics in dissipative quantum many-body systems 0
Nov. 7, 2013 Fall 2013 Dixon, Benjamin Increased heralding efficiency in quantum optics: on the road to closing Bell test loopholes 0
Oct. 31, 2013 Fall 2013 Paz Silva, Gerado A. Towards Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computing 0
Oct. 24, 2013 Fall 2013 Cappellaro, Paola Control of quantum sensors 0
Oct. 17, 2013 Fall 2013 Mower, Jake Why Photonics is the best? 0
Oct. 10, 2013 Fall 2013 Bissbort, Ulf Higgs mode in strongly interacting condensates 0
Oct. 3, 2013 Fall 2013 Lloyd, Seth Overview of blackhole evaporation and firewall debate 0
Sept. 26, 2013 Fall 2013 Home, Janathan Multi-species ion chains and scalable elements for trapped ion quantum control 0
Sept. 19, 2013 Fall 2013 Lucas, David Experimental quantum computation with ion traps 0
Sept. 12, 2013 Fall 2013 Neven, Hartmut, Rose, Geordie The world's first commercially available quantum computer 0
Thanksgiving, Holiday Thanksgiving 0
Jiang, Ying TBD 0
Krastanov, Stefan, Vuckovic, Jelena TBD 0